Keeping the outside of your home looking great year-round can be extremely difficult. When the cold temperatures of winter move into your area, you will struggle to keep your landscaping design appealing. Rather than throwing in the towel and allowing the outside of your home to become an eyesore, you need to work to add color and appeal during winter.
The landscaping industry in the United States generates over $128 billion worth of revenue annually. The average homeowner has no problem spending money on their landscaping because it beautifies the outside of their residence.
Are you trying to add color to your landscaping design this winter? If so, here are some things you can do.
1. Hardscaping Elements Are a Good Investment
In winter, you won’t be able to rely on your grass or shrubbery for curb appeal. This is why you need to think about adding weatherproof elements to your landscaping design. Hardscaping elements are crucial when trying to keep the outside of your home looking great in winter. Some of the most common hardscaping elements you will find on the modern market include:
· Garden sculptures
· Arbors
· Trellises
· Garden benches
Before you go out in search of hardscaping elements for your property, consider the theme of your landscaping design. By doing this, you can keep a cohesive landscaping design regardless of what hardscaping elements you add.
2. Choose Colorful Plants That Can Thrive In Winter
If you want to boost curb appeal in winter, then you have to explore all of the plants at your disposal. There are a number of plants that are able to withstand winter temperatures. Many of these plants, like the Nandina Domestica, produce brightly colored berries.
You will also be able to create more appeal with red twig dogwoods and fringe flowers. Consulting with professionals is the best way to choose the right plants to add to your landscaping design this winter.
3. String Lights Can Brighten Up a Dreary Landscape
Many trees look bare in the winter months. Instead of allowing trees devoid of color and leaves to lessen the appeal of your home’s exterior, you need to take action. One of the best ways to dress up bare trees in the winter months is with the help of string lights.
Weaving these string lights through the limbs of a tree will help to ensure they stay put. Once you have these lights in place, you’ll be surprised at how much illumination they provide to the outside of your residence.
4. Put Feeders Out To Attract Colorful Birds
Another unique way to add color to your landscaping in winter is with the help of bird feeders. The great thing about this method of adding color is how inexpensive it is. Bird food and bird feeders are extremely affordable, which makes this a great option for all homeowners.
As you can see, there are a number of things you can do to add color to your landscaping in winter.