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Blue Morning Landscapes

Worst Plants And Trees To Plant In Your Yard

When it comes to landscaping your yard, there are some plants and trees that you should avoid. Some plants and trees can damage your property and home's foundation and pose health hazards to your family and pets. Fortunately, an experienced landscape contractor will know what plants and trees will work best for your yard, but it is wise to know which plants and trees to avoid, so you don't make costly decisions. Here is a list to keep handy if you are shopping for plants and trees or if you've purchased a property and are concerned about the plants in your new landscape

Invasive Bushes To Avoid Entirely

The following bushes create dense vegetation that shades other plantings and increases allergic reactions.

· Buckthorn- This bush grows up to 25 feet tall, shades out all other plants, and contributes to soil erosion.

· Bush honeysuckle-Can grow in sun, shade, wet, or dry conditions but spreads and pushes out other plants.

· Chinese Privet- This bush has highly allergenic pollen.

· Burning Bush- Creates dense thickets which crowd out other pants.

Trees To Avoid Planting In Your Yard

Avoid planting these trees in your yard as they have invasive root systems and can damage your home's foundation, driveway, sidewalks, and other hardscapes on your property.

· Bradford Pear- Prone to cracking and splitting in windy conditions, emits an unpleasant smell.

· Black Walnut- This tree is vulnerable to a fungus called thousand canker disease, and it also secretes a growth-inhibiting toxin that can ruin your other plantings.

· Sweet Gum- The leaves of this tree are pretty, but it drops prickly gumball fruit that makes a big mess.

· Weeping Willow- The roots of this tree need a lot of water; thus, they can quickly dry up your lawn and rob your other plants of moisture.

· White Ash- Beautiful and quick-growing, this tree is plagued by the lethal emerald ash borer insect. Its lateral root system also damages foundations and hardscapes.

· Mimosa- Classified as an invasive in many parts of the country, this tree's seeds spread far and wide, and its roots spout up new trees.

Poisonous Plants That Shouldn't Be In Your Landscape

Toxic plants that threaten your family and pets should not be planted in your landscape. If you find them on your property, carefully remove them.

· Poison Ivy- This plant can spring up anywhere since birds eat its berries and spread the seeds. The oil from the plant is toxic and causes rashes and severe allergic reactions.

· Foxglove- Containing digitonin, digitalin, and digitoxin, it only takes this plant 20 minutes to cause a wide range of health issues if ingested.

· Virginia Creeper- This plant is difficult to control and highly aggressive. Its berries contain oxalic acid, which is toxic.

· Horse Nettle- The berries from this plant cause diarrhea, nausea, and stomach cramps if ingested.

· Water Hemlock- Water Hemlock is the most dangerous plant in North America; even a tiny piece of the plant can kill a 1,200-pound animal.

Final Thoughts

If you have any of these or any other plants or trees in your yard that you are concerned about, contact yourlandscape contractor to discuss your options.

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